Just Another Ordinary Day

"Of course you can, pumpkin." She said, reaching down to give him a lick across the forehead. She was really glad to have some alone time with Haven; mostly Naniko had been spending time with Salem as of late. He was the one pup who seemed to want to stick around the lands a bit more, not go out and explore too much by himself. And all of the pups always came home at night time when she howled for them and spent the night with her and Anu...they were probably tired of being home all the time.

There was one pup who she hadn't seein a while, though, Odebeh. Naniko had been looking for him for quite some time, but he'd stopped coming home to the den as much. And now he wasn't coming back at all. Had he found someone else to care for him? She'd thought that Crimson Dreams would be a good home for him...and she'd tried to pay attention to him as much as she had her other pups. But maybe it wasn't meant to be.

She smiled at the eagerness of the orange pup below her and started for the first set of dark, black stairs. Time to see if there was any merit to the haunted tales that she had been hearing about this place.


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