Baby girl, I'm just a blur
SHE IS SO CUTE. <3 Ember doesn't think so, though XD I think I may turn Ember into a bit of a homophobe, too. >_> Just for some variation Big Grin And Ember's being kind of mean ^^;;;; BUT ILU. You can pp the fish if you want Big Grin

Ember could remember being that age herself, small and inquisitive...but it didn't last long. Soon enough little Mati would be learning about the world, about all the dangers...and about all the horrible wolves out there in it. It would probably change her...warp her, like it had Ember. Once upon a time she'd been exactly like Mati. Well...except for the fact that she'd had a father. For a while, anyway. Ember didn't know where he was right now.

She had always thought that there was something a little strange about Naniko, with her always being so happy and upbeat all the time, and now she knew for sure that there was something weird about her. She'd become mated to a female, first of all...and she'd raised her pups with her. It was kind of disturbing, really, the thought of them together. How messed up would their kid be when she found out that her parents weren't normal?

"I know Naniko." She turned in her chair to look down at the pup, shrugging. "My sister was a bitch when I was younger too. But now we're doing okay. We can talk, at least. I'd just stay away from Brooklyn--she sounds like bad news."

Ember looked back to the line when it jumped a little, pulling up. Ah! She'd caught something. Finally. "The reason..." She started, "Why it's bad for you to go near the ice is because you could fall in. And then you'd drown."


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