It's the science of the soul
Not too bad. I ended up staying two hours late, though. D:

So much had happened in the time that Soran was gone...but Naniko felt like she'd just seen the wolk yesterday. As they walked her mood lightened a little. Soran wouldn't be mad with her--she would understand. At least, that's what she was hoping. Whatever Soran's reaction was to all of the news, Naniko would try her best to take it in stride. She couldn't let things get to her like she had in the past. She had to be more positive. Right now she was so caught up in trying to decide what to say that she probably wasn't being a very good host.

Salem hadn't been around too many wolves other than his mothers and other members of the pack, and he looked toward Naniko for reassurance. "Muther..what does I tells her?" He asked. "You tell her how you're your day has been going." Naniko replied, using a hushed sort of tone. The pups were still young. Social skills would come with time. Dark Salem looked back to Soran. "I is cold today. Is...cold outside" None of the children had seen the heat of summertime yet, so all that they knew about was the low temperatures of winter.

As they started to walk Salem stuck close to Naniko's side like a dark burr, on the side away from Soran, at first. He didn't know how he was supposed to act around Grandmother Soran, if he could run around and look at things or if he should stay close to Naniko, so he decided that he would do both. The adults began their conversation and he started up the bath in front of them, running into bushes and rolling around in the dirt in a few different places.

The white wolf watched him out of the corner of her eye as she looked up at Soran, starting to answer a few of the questions that she had asked. "There were six, but two didn't make it. They were Tatiana D'angelo and Silas Aatte. The other four seem very healthy, though. They're about two and a half months. They're all up and running around here somewhere...if you come by the cave early in the morning or later in the afternoon you might be able to see more of them. That's when they're all normally there. Either that or in the mansion" No wolf liked staying outside in the cold for too long, and she expected that, through the winter, the mansion would become a popular hangout.

"Crimson Dreams is...amazing. We have a good life here. I am the leader, and my friend Savina is my right-hand-man. Or...woman, I suppose. Conri left, and the pack seemed we reformed." That was all that she really had to say about it. "That's pretty much it. It's been touch and go. But everything's been going pretty well, with numbers and pups and everything. How about you? How've you been doing? Did you see anyone else while you were gone?"


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