Bury me six feet under.
Now I've forgotten that it's my turn. Anyway... I don't know what we're gonna do here so... *peers at Tammi?* D:

All things considered, they were probably lucky that no one else had heard of the commotion and ruckus that had gone on. It was far too easy for them to get outnumbered on either side. So when the dark-haired wolf looked to Corona with those pleading eyes, there was naturally no reaction at all. Corona only felt her gaze, because her focus was more on Hybrid at that point, looking at him expectantly to make what she thought would be the final blow. And as it were in that very moment, he was her superior. Maybe coyotes didn't have as strict of a hierarchy that she could remember, but it was the wolf side of her that shone through, waiting for a sign or a signal to do otherwise. With the pleading creature restrained and with Corona's hand around her neck, it could have gone any way they wanted it to. “You want the honours?” she asked, ignoring the squirms and cries.

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