Eaten with Loneliness
She's a southern wolf! She loves to hug! Haha..


The scars that ran over the bronze fur seemed to speak to those dark masses that floated around in her head. The places where evil lurked and toyed with the ideas of blood and gore. She seemed to understand them, almost see the scenes that played out. She could almost smell the blood and taste the adrineline on her tongue. She had tasted flesh, found skin under thick fur, but when it came down to it she was no match for several larger wolves. She committed crime and payed for it. Being in front a warrior put those events into focus. For some reason she understood for the first time what she had really done and exactly because in front of her was a wolf who accepted killing. Her eyes seemed to flood with to much emotion like little portals to her soul. India's eyes glazed over in that fog she had been living in the past few months. Her mouth went dry and she spoke in such a strange voice that she sounded as she was going to cry or start yelling.

I was barely a year old. My packs aufpasser, and my alphas were neglectful. They had a litter of pups that they abused and tortured. We didn't have a lot to eat at one point, and the pups were dying. My parents, the rest of the red wolves, and the coyotes that were part of our pack left to find a better life. I was forced to stay by my alphas with the other shifted wolves that pledged allegiance to them. I was angry that they hurt their children the way they did, and I wanted to go to my family. I ate their pups. Horror...She spoke the truth for the first time. She looked to the other wolf for some sort of direction as to how she was suppose to feel. Her own feelings were jumbled and scared her. Part of her liked it. Liked the tearing of flesh and devouring those helpless pups; it gave her pleasure. Hurt ran across her face because she realized there was a monster inside of her. How it developed she was unsure, but there it was stretching its clutches over her mind now. That shadow was the need to kill and eat things that shouldn't be killed. She was a murderer. I've never said that to anyone. Not even myself. She paused running claws over her long scar and forced a smile as if to ease the other wolf or herself from what she had just said. Tell me about your scars. Tell me about anything. Just, let's not talk about what I just told you.

Was she embarrassed? No, shameful? Perhaps, but she was truthfully scared of herself. The feeling when she licked Arkham made perfect sense now. That evil liked innocents. She could never be around pups again. The thought crossed her mind that she may never have pups of her own since the monster might want to eat them. She ran her claws through her lengthened main, pushing hair out of her eyes, sighing heavily, and the first sounds of a fit slipping out. She felt like she was going to explode or collapse. Frantic eyes looked around and another sigh took it out of her. The need to panic dripped away slowly, leaving mere puddles inside of fear instead of the torrent that she felt moments before. She felt like she was going crazy.

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