these four walls
It seemed to take a moment but the male has suddenly gained some spark in his soul, or perhaps it was just the fact that he seemed to have more issues that DaVinci did. The male grinned down at the angry spitfire he had before him as he gripped the wolf by his mane and shook his slightly as he pulled himself closer to the pureblood. "I wanna know what the fuck you're doing here." He said simply. Though he chose to belong to another pack the hybrid had far more clain to being in the lands than the beaten and broken form before him.

He narrowed his eyes as he asked, "I offered you freedom you dumbfuck?" His breath was hot as he growled, wishing the lad has the sense of atleast a squirrel. A squirrel would have run through the once open door atleast, this fellow just stared about like an addict.

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