Just Another Ordinary Day

She could feel her more playful, adventurous side coming out as she stood there with the boy, looking up at the castle. This was just like old times; Naniko had been very big on exploring when she had been younger, and even though she was an adult she still found it to be very exciting. "That's right. I had it all wrapped up tight so it would heal. If you ever get hurt, you should always come right back home so I can fix you up"

Before she realized it Haven was inside and she hurried after him with a final backwards glance toward the arched doorway. It was dark and musty inside the castle, with a few old rugs strewn across the floors at intervals. How long had it been since an actual human had lived here? Naniko wasn't sure. "Kings and queens lived in castles. Big, important people. Imagine having a den this big!" She could see him just ahead of her in the darkness, a small moving shape against the mostly pitch-black surroundings. Naniko felt gratitude for the fact that it was Haven with her and not Salem; he would have been impossible to see. "See anything interesting?" She asked.


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