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SoulxSadira et eller aent Smile tvile på at soul navnet vare så mye lengre. Tayui's valper blir aston, og eg antar mesteparten av ungane til Firefly og haku blir sadira eller någe. vett isje ! Big Grin

Their eyes met, but Haku’s orbs were restless, like a negative side of a battery forced against the positive. He seemed to be unable to hold his gaze steady. He was realizing more and more how upset he was, and it struck him as extremely odd. This was not him, but who was he really? None knew, him least of them all. Nevertheless, the warmth that started to radiate from the pale being in front of him was more relieving than he could have imagined, and his pitiful excuse of a tail waved between his legs, giving him the somewhat pathetic look of an unhappy puppy. Mew had always been forgiving and supportive. After all these months, a simple apology from Haku was all that was needed, and things were drifting back toward a more normal state between them once again.

The apology did not hurt, though it should have. He blamed his fucked up mind. This was not really Haku, at least not the part that usually resided in him. The personalities inside him seemed to split and merge as they saw fit, and this was turning his world upside down. I do not know what is wrong with me. The Lilium truthfully did not. His own behaviour startled him more than the knowledge that he was about to become a father. I have not felt that well, lately, maybe I am just a bit unstable. He did not know what to say, so random theories were always fun to throw out, even though he guessed it sounded very odd.

Thankfully, he was not the Lilium in Mew’s eyes. To her, he would always be the baby brother, sane or not. A few days ago I was informed that I am going to be a father. His voice was much more stable, and he tried to stand up a bit taller, paws strictly instructed not to falter, eyes settled somewhat. His sister too had to be able to see the hilarious irony here, right?


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