It's the science of the soul

Eeeep! I'm sorry for the wait on this, yesterday evening was insanely busy, we have one week until we go on stage to do our pantomime and it turns out the kids have thrown all their costumes everywhere and want to change the dances... I haven't even had time to learn my own lines yet! XD Ahhh I see... when did you start working in the bakery hun? And what's the sociology paper on? Also yes, they are still walking, I think :S Sorry... I rambled lol. lol.

push it inSoran listened as Naniko spoke, stooping slightly as she walked in order to listen to the pale female that walked beside her. Her bag bumped uncomfortably against her hip as she walked, the heavy books causing the canvas satchel to swing erratically against her with each step that she took. Her brow furrowed and her dark ears flattened against her skull as she listened to her nearly-daughter speak, it was true that all wolves had a bad side, everyone had things that they regretted, but Conri... the ebony wolfess knew that he had killed Hollow but she didn't know that he had told Naniko, then again he had loved her and she supposed that he would have told her his one indiscretion. The obsidian fae mused over the way that Conri had ended up like her, killing his father as she had hers, both had been accidents, the pair had never intended to kill their fathers, but it had happened, and they both had had good reason to. Soran's father Thanatos, he had been cruel, he had killed her mother when she was tiny and her adopted mother not too long after that, he had been like a plague to her, following her wherever she went, trying to destroy her and everything she touched, their final fight had ended in his death, Soran still remembered the way the giant male had sunk to his knees after the rock had crushed his ribs. And Conri... well he had been angry, he had witnessed the aftermath of Hollow's brutal actions towards Soran, he had seen her battered and bruised form after the rape, he had seen the way her fingers stuck out at odd angles, he had been furious, though his push had never been intended to throw Hollow through a window.

push it inSoran was suddenly glad that Conri had taken after her and not his father, there were worse things you could do than kill the fathers that mother and son had had, they had both deserved it, it didn't make it right, but the cats had been accidents and things that had happened in the heat of the moment, crimes of passion. He could have been so worse if he had taken after Hollow, the ebony lady could not imagine the wild eyes of the red psycopath staring out at her from her son's face, unlike Dhalia, she could not imagine him doing what his father had done, raping and murdering, kidnapping and brutalising, that wasn't her boy at all and she was proud of him for that.

push it inSoran nodded slowly as Nani spoke again, so she had two granddaughters and two grandsons? That was marvellous, she would greatly enjoy having them around, she already knew how to interact with male pups, having raised one, but girls were a mystery to her, she had never really had to cope with Dhalia, it would be a wonderful challenge finding out how to deal with the troubles of a growing girl pup. And they all had such interesting names, the pale mother had chosen them well, Salem and Brooklyn, yes she remembered those names from books she herself had read, one had been a bustling metropolis and the other had been a small town, famous for it's wicth hunts. She wondered if Brooklyn behaved as the city she was named after once had, she wondered if she was a busy creature, never able to sit down. She supposed that she would find out soon enough. And Mati and Haven, both fine names, the ebony lady smiled again as Naniko spoke about their surnames, the ebony fae was glad that her son had used his middle name for Mati, thinking back she doubted she would have given him the name either had she had the chance, she wouldn't have forced him to have any ties to the cruel rapist that was his father.
"I am sorry that I wasn't there for the birth Naniko, I wish I could have been there to help you." The fae said, watching Salem with a soft smile as he raced about.

push it in And then Naniko dropped the bombshell that she had been containing. At first it did not seem so bad, it was awful that Conri had left before the pups had been born, it was cruel of him to leave Naniko in such a state and force her to go through all of this alone. But the aging lady could not criticise anyone for leaving, she herself had fled the lands far too many times now, leaving small pups behind her, it was cruel and selfish, but she understood that sometimes it seemed to be the only option. But then the story continued... her boy had... raped someone? Surely not? Not after his reaction to Hollow's attack on Soran herself? Not after seeing the drinking, crying, broken wreck she had been afterwards? Not after seeing all the hurt it had caused... He couldn't have, the lady had been a mess after the rape and Conri had seen it all, after seeing that how had he managed to force himself upon another?

push it inThe world was spinning and bile rose in Soran's throat, she felt sick, disgusted by her own son, how could he? He had seen the pain that a rape caused, he had been there for the aftermath of one, he had killed Hollow because the red male had raped Soran, admittedly it had been an accident but it had instilled such a rage in him that he had changed his form, it had fuelled him to confront his father, something which he would not have dared do before. He couldn't have, not her Conri, not her sweet red boy, he couldn't hurt anyone, he hadn't even managed to hurt Stygian who had tortured him, even when he knew he would have been killed by his deranged half brother, from what he had said he had never once hurt him or fought back. Her mind flashed back to the small face of her son as a pup, his innocent green eyes wide as he asked about everything they came across, playing around her legs as she walked, bouncing around, so sweet and young. And now... now he had done a terrible thing, he had been banished from his former home, he had been banished from the lands where his pups lived, pups he had never even seen.

push it inThe lady followed Naniko on unsteady legs, she trembled as she walked up the stairs, wiping at her maw nervously, feeling nauseous, and dizzy with this revelation. She staggered up the stairs and through the house and allowed herself to fall into the chair that Naniko offered to her. Her daughter had someone else it seemed, another fae from the way that she spoke, that didn't shock the dark fae, it pailed in comparison to the idea that her son was a rapist, that he had left her. The tall fae supposed that it was expected that Naniko would find someone else, it would be cruel to expect that she would remain alone once Conri had left, Soran had moved on from her first love, though her heart still ached for the pale lady.

"I didn't expect you to stay alone forever Naniko, especially as you have pups, raising them is a two wolf job after all, I found it was much easier to look after Conri once I had Deuce as my mate. What is her name? In case I see her around the lands, I still consider you a daughter Naniko, I want to make sure she's good enough for you." Soran replied, her voice shaky, she was still in shock. She doubted that she would ever consider anyone as good for her as Conri was, but what he had done was awful, she was his mother, she had the compulsive need to love him, Naniko wasn't bound by that. And when she had pups to look after, she suspected that Naniko felt that she needed someone to love her. Then it hit the lady... the pups... they weren't... Conri hadn't... they weren't a result of... Her thoughts were fragmented and panicked, the sudden idea in her mind was panicking her, making her feel even more sick than before. Soran couldn't contain the question any longer.
"Nani, the pups... Conri... it wasn't you he attacked was it?" She asked, shaking even more than she had been, she hoped that wasn't the case, though she supposed if it had been a crime of passion against a loved one it would not be as bad as finding a random pack member to rape... but still... either way it was an evil thing to do.


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