Eaten with Loneliness
Yup. She has a long, bloody back story.


Thinking back on everything that happened, the reasons why she ate the little ones avoided her thoughts. The situation was bleak, she was starving, and the little pups were festering with cuts and bite marks. She attempted through thick and thin to keep them separated from their abusive parents, to let their wounds heal, but it was all in vain. The little creatures were husks of meat that strove to be released. She had thought to sneak them out unseen but once the others left she had no support to aid her in the moving of the pups. The longer she stayed with them, licking their wounds, the strange taste for puppy flesh began to take over her mind. Looking at the wolf in front of her she seemed to visit the birth of the shadow, that moment where it tore away from the sane. He was right. She had sought the worst revenge possible. The aching she felt for the pups turned to the blackest form of rage possible, so dark that it consumed them to merely prove a point.

The knowledge of the shadow seemed to taunt it inside her skull. It slithered around, happy that she knew it was there. It seemed to respond to the idea that if it was known it could pull power and consume the delicate mind. India felt that the he-wolf was trying to make sense of her actions, but how could she really explain them and allow sense and reason to be applied. It couldn't. The shadow was as much a part of her than the shame she felt was, and the only real comfort came from the fact that this other wolf had heard and didn't walk away or turn her away in disgust. She looked to the snow soaked ground as if for confidence to speak again. At least, the ground would never move or hate her. It was revenge...It was a mix of things. The pups had open wounds and I tended them often, it was like...the shadow in me rose from the taste of them. It wanted to be free and wanted to appeal to my better senses. It wanted to eat them, make them go away, and scorn those unjust parents. It is me. That shadow is me, but I don't want to eat wolves...It does though. It likes the idea of it. If it is me then why don't I like it! Why am I sitting here in front of a warrior who slays for purpose where I murder for a taste! That two legged form rippled with shakes and energy. The angrier she got the larger the shadow seemed to grow. The body that shrunk began to bulk into that shifted body where it seemed to grant it power. The shadow wanted a taste.

Hands flung over her face, claws digging into the skin to the point of puncture. She saw it right behind her eyelids. A darkness that breathed and saturated her entire being. It liked what was happening. The dainty body of India grew savage looking, claws to long, muscles to jittery that slithered under the skin. She was struggling to hold it back, hold the sanity in her eyes so that it couldn't be seen. Vomit and colors proceeded. She was making herself crazy and the realization slowed everything down. She realized she had let the world around her fog over and become less important. She was stuck in the past. It haunted her present. She seemed to calm down, her body still savagely built, holding back that demon inside. She had control over it, pinned it in the back of her mind where it lashed about unhappy that it didn't release itself.

When I shift it has power. You see it don't you. That disease is their curse on me. That putrid disease sits in the back of my mind waiting to come out and consume things! She let the claws fall away from her face, fur hiding the little bloody spots. She wanted someone to understand her but how could they really? Even the warrior in front of her would probably not understand that shadow. She swore it came from the disease. The shadow was inherited from the wretched alphas, eased by the flesh of their pups. She looked at the golden furred wolf, looking for a bit of her madness in him maybe. Hoping that somewhere inside that creature was a similar shadow, something she could relate to, and make her feel less like a monster.

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