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Mew Sadira

The signals Mew had taken for pride obviously had not been just that, and the hug she offered him became more of a wrestle in the finishing; her brother's body not welcoming the gesture done out of misunderstanding. The femme was confused. She had thought he saw this as a good thing, but obviously enough, he didn't. How should she react to this? There was nothing in the world Mew wanted more, now, than her children. The ones that had died, but still. If she had been able to get another litter, she would have taken that chance immediately. Although as it was, she might not live through it. There could be damage to the whole system. Perhaps he was simply confused at the whole role of being a father? Mew wanted to consolidate him, but she did not know how. Oh... For a second, that was all she said, before she opened her mouth and prompted; Whose are they then, if you don't mind me asking? She wasn't prying, nor judging. Secretly, she felt a little glee at the fact that he had been untrue to Firefly; it served her right. Her face was open for whatever he might say, as she waited for his reply, clearly signalizing good intentions and support.


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