Just Another Ordinary Day
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerr.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Anu had told the pups of kings and queens and knights and dragons. Those were some of his favorite stories. So it was places like this that they had lived in? "Soooo cool..." The pup uttered under his breath, to no one in particular. Even though it was dark, and his eyes were still adjusting, he could see how huge this place was inside. The ceilings looked like they reach all the way up to the sky! "Is ginormous! You coulds like...fit all the packs in the worlds in here!" Though he supposed that would cause quite a bit of fighting.

Jade eyes finally more or less used to the dim light now searched around for anything of big interest. For the first few seconds he didn't see anything. But then his whole body began to wiggle as his eyes caught something glinting in the distance. Fast as a bolt he took off towards what he had spotted. "Momma, momma, quick! Comes see!" Giant puppy paws screeched to a halt and the small pup stared up at a giant suit of armor. Haven's eyes sparkled with wonder.


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