Just Another Ordinary Day
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerr.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Holy crap yes!

Haven had listened intently to all his momma Anu's stories about knights and ladies, and he knew that they wore armor, but he didn't really know what it looked like. Of course he had imagined pictures of it in his head, but they were always somewhat fantastical. This was just a simple gray, dusty and rusty. So at first he didn't see the large thing for what it was. When his mother joined him and started to inspect the thing herself and talked about the humans was when it finally clicked in his head. So that was what humans looked like. "Momma, momma! I knows! Its must bes armor! Likes the knights in momma Anu's stories wores! Its da stuff they wores to protects 'em!" He bounced up and down excitedly. How neat! They had found a real life suit of knight armor!

The young boy bounced up on his mother's leg, pawing at her. "Mommas, can we takes it homes? Pweeeeeaaaaseee!!" The only thing better than finding a suit of armor would be having it at their home!


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