back in time, but only in my mind - p jazper
"If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask me," Geneva said sincerely. It was obvious that a lot of love and care had been put into the library and its upkeep. However, the femme had thought the entire pack had contributed to it. It was slightly mind blowing for her to realize that the one tall male was primarily responsible for this beautifully, meticulously kept library.

She was excited over the possibility of gathering new reading material from the city, although she did not relish the thought of leaving the comfort of the Crimson Dreams territory. It wasn't that she was afraid, exactly. But she was certainly weary of traveling and wished only to keep her home safe and secure. She felt as though everything she needed fell within the shadow of the trees in the pack land. How could she possibly wish for anything else?

A smile softened her features as the larger wolf spoke of his mother. It appeared as though his physique wasn't the largest part of him - it was so obvious he had a big heart too. She nodded shyly when he told her she thought she'd make a good addition to the pack. She certainly hoped his assessment was true. She was going to do her darnedest to make sure she proved him right. She loved it here already.

Her lime green eyes lit up when he beckoned her to take a seat beside him. It movements took on a sort of childlike joy as she hurried over, scooting onto the seat next to her packmate, being mindful to give him room for his arms and elbows for playing. "Wow! she said in an awed whisper as he played. The sound was so...pure. She couldn't described it. "This is, just...just amazing!"

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