Fly into my palm...and collapse.
"Drat! Damnation! Blast it!" the stone hued wolfess swore as she stumbled after a stray rabbit. It's fluffy white tail retreated in the direction of the rabbit warrens on the other side of the valley. She snorted in frustration and flopped down in the grass to defeat. But she paused for a moment and laughed softly. It seemed that her behavior got more and more ridiculous by the day. She didn't use expletives very often, internalizing her frustrations more often than not. But she had to admit there was something very therapeutic about just shouting out her worries, letting the tension leave her body in short bursts of sound.

The weather began to cool dramatically as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, staining the sky in a myriad of warm colors before the cooler gray-blue spread across the sky. Winter was well on its way, if the chill in the air was anything to judge by. She shivered lightly, her coat not yet as thick as it needed to be in order for her to properly deal with the weather change. Her health had improved dramatically since her arrival in Crimson Dreams, but her body was still playing catch up. It would still be a few weeks until her thin coat adequately thickened.

She rose from her prone position, stretching lightly in her lupus form. She arched her back and rotated her neck slightly, sighing in satisfaction when her neck and back cracked. Although her attempt at hunting on a whim hadn't been successful, she had enjoyed her run through the field. Her muscles burned, but in a good way. The clean air felt wonderful in her lungs.

Her light colored eyes scanned the line of the sunset, meandering over to the trees to a small cluster of rocks. Her eyes widened marginally when she saw a black wolfess sitting atop the rocks. "Hello," she called out, her embarrassment coloring her words. She smiled ruefully in her direction.


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