Fly into my palm...and collapse.
Geneva smiled, feeling a little foolish and a little nervous all at the same time. The combination made her stomach hurt slightly. But grimacing slightly, she swallowed the acrid feeling. Every day she felt as though she was coming into her own, growing into her own skin. And she found it surprisingly comfortable. She cared very greatly what others thought about her, but she told herself that it hardly mattered. She needed to be able to love herself first, and every day it seemed that it became less of a feat to like herself.

The stone hued femme came to a stop a few feet away from the rock and sat down. Her eyes traced the coal black wolfess, taking in the deep green eyes and the bright orange of her cast. Her eyes rested there for a moment. She wondered if Naniko had helped set the cast.

"Yeah, I guess I was being sort of loud," Geneva said, grinning with chagrin. "My name's Geneva. What's your name?" The other wolfess seemed completely at ease. "Erm...come here often?" she asked lamely.


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