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From the windows of the mansion, Salem watched the snow fall from the sky. Every little flake was nothing more than a white blob against the backdrop of the forested horizon and eventually it fell so far that it disappeared into the snow that was already on the ground. The mansion was silent and cool and from what he could tell, everywhere one was either outside or doing something that didn't involve him. And doing something that didn't require making a large amount of noise. But the young D'Angelo was perfectly content with simply staring out the window at the world that lied beyond his home thus so far and watching what went on out there.

So far today, not very much. Like any child with the comprehension belonging to that of a five year old, he eventually lost interest with staring out the window and had jumped down from a window seat in one of the rooms and began to roam the many hallways within the mansion. For as exquisite as it was, he did not hold an appreciation for the beauty found within its walls and fixtures. In fact, he paid them no attention as he paused to sniff a particular place on the hallway rug where someone had done something at one time or another, and moved on quietly. No sign of his mother or his siblings any where, he paced quietly into the bedroom that the family shared for the time being, and wadded himself up mess of covers and sheets left askew.

They'd come around eventually. Someone would, anyway. So he waited.


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