and I hope you have more luck with this than me

push it inSoran looked around the room, her jade eyes scanning over it casually, she liked what she saw, it was so like the Syemv house, and yet different in many ways, the comfy chairs scattered around the room made it homey, it almost reminded her of her old home, but then she would spy something different, something that would never have had a home in the pirate pack and she would be jolted back into remembering where she was now, not that she minded that, she already loved her new home, the pack seemed nice and it was wonderful to be around her family again. She was beginning to feel like it was home already.

push it inThe fae, Savina spoke again and Soran smiled at her, she seemed nice enough, though just from her name she already knew plenty about her, Naniko had mentioned this fae before, she had mentioned that she was running a pack with her, and that she would be the one to chase Conri out should he ever come near here, this thought made her wince slightly. She flinched at this idea partly because she realised that Savina must have known what Conri had done and that made her uncomfortable, and partially because remembering what her red boy had done to the pale girl, for she knew it was Naniko he had attacked, the way her almost-daughter had avoided her question about it all had proven it to the ebony grandmother, and the idea of him attacking her made her feel sick, her beloved son, a rapist. The very notion that he could have been so cruel to inflict pain and suffering upon someone he loved, after killing his own father after discovering Soran a broken and bloody wreck after he had raped her, the idea was beyond her belief.

push it inAfter seeing the look upon Savina's face Soran realised that she must know who she was as well, of course, she had given her surname to her mirror-image fae, Haven carried that surname, as did Khaden, it was obvious whose mother she must be, after all Conri's brother and son bore her name, it wasn't some random coincidence. The lady's voice was almost stifled for a moment as she tried to reply to the dark fae opposite her, she opened her maw only to find that no sound came out, slowly she raised a hand to her muzzle and let out a small cough, clearing her throat, hoping that she would now be able to reply without any tremors in her voice. She was worried about Savina's response to her answer, after all if she was willing to chase Conri away would she be willing to chase his mother from the lands? Would she fly into a rage and accuse Soran of being a bad mother? Not that that would be a lie, Soran was wracked with guilt for having abandoned her son so often, perhaps it was her fault, having left him unsupervised.
"Yes I am, they're wonderful aren't they?" The lady finally replied, her voice still trembling slightly, nervous, worried, though trying to keep her voice steady, casual.


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