but your fears ain't no strangers for me

I'm so sorry for making you wait so long for this reply!

Tayui had met many wolves in her life, though most memories were fleeting, and left only faint impressions in her mind. Though she was sometimes able to recall names or faces (sometimes only one or the other, other times, neither), she could recall hearing the name 'Sadira' used in the past. She had met one female and her daughter some time ago, and was able to recall quite vividly the day. It had been hot - incredibly hot - and the sun had been blazing. She remembered how it had blinded her for a moment before she noticed a wolf making her way toward her. Though the exact details aside from their names and the extreme heat were long forgotten, she could still recall the mood of the day. Cautious, but not in a sense that it intruded. Quiet apprehension, perhaps. It had been a strange day.

"I knew one female, Aiji Sadira. I met her once, but she had been kind enough. She had her daughter with her, but her name escapes me. I also knew Laika Sadira, though, I'm not sure how closely related the two are. Many wolves around here seem to take on whichever last name suits them, whether it's their mother's, father's, or grandparent's." She paused, thinking to herself for a few moments. "I do believe that I met Kiriska in the past, though, it could have been Ceres. I did know a past Clouded Tears leader, Colibri Soul. Her mate was a Sadira if I am not mistaken." She attempted to remember as best she could, but the details were so foggy and the times so old. Though there were many, many things she could recall with exact clarity, the correlation between a name and a face had always been a difficult one for her to grasp. She had little else to offer the child about his heritage, for she did not know where one parent began and another ended. Their family tree (as far as she knew) was a very complicated web of wolves.


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