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Didn't catch that in any of Naniko's recent posts, so I may have overlooked that.

There came a series of heavy steps that shook the floor beneath him, but not like of that belonging to something he would have called a monster. There was something light about them even, good-natured, and not the brooding, stomping, angry sort of steps he normally would have expected to hear. As they drew closer, he tensed with a mixture of anticipation, happiness, and fear, wondering just who it would that come have been coming. Would it be Naniko? Anu? Some poorly remembered pack member that he had met on the occasions that he had followed his mother out? The wolf who appeared in the doorway seemed to be none of these (at least that he could tell) and in her hands she held something that was both familiar and unfamiliar. A book, but not one that he could recognise.

Eyeing the salt and pepper woman as she halted in the middle of her sentence, the edges of his ebony lips curled a bit, but not enough to make a visible crinkle of a smile. They did however move on to speak, but before he could return her pleasant greeting, Haven popped onto the scene with enough enthusiasm for both of them. Salem's lips pursed automatically at that point and he pushed up from the mess of bedding that had been chucked to the floor, closing off the distance between his brother and the stranger. Not being of many words, the dark-haired D'Angelo merely nudged Haven's copper-coloured shoulder with his nose. He was naturally happy to see his brother and where a smile got the happiness across, he was affectionate enough to express his abundant love for his family through the gesture. But this display was brief and shortly tucked away, as Salem peered upwards at the towering “Gennie” and the item in her clutches.


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