drag me down
The gold and bronze Sadira woman's foul mood only seemed to increase since her mind wasn't turning away from the damnable thoughts of Haku's infidelity and the children that were now going to be the result of thus. Firefly was so tense with anger towards the male she'd been avoiding that her heckles pricked at just the very thought of having to face him. When she came around the path and her ebony tipped ears grasped hold of the mournful pathedic snivels of another she narrowed her eyes as she tried to ignore the creature. Oddly enough it seemed that fate was against her this day as she nearly stumbled over the bundle of bones and puppyfluff as she let out a snarl. It was all she could to to keep from snapping at the thing that had thrown her offbalance.

Standing over the welp the highly ranked bitch just glowered. Her paw twitched, as though she wanted to cast the sight before her off to the side and continue on her way. Must she be reminded at every turn of how her world had been turned upside down and the perfect little mistress hadn't been good enough. Disgust settled over her features instead as she cast her emerald gems back towards her current predicament. "Shut up you little rat.." she hissed. The twitch took hold again along her left forepaw as she refrained from turning his world topsy turvy as well.

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