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Mew Sadira
Eksamenshelvetet e øve!!
Word count: 375

Her brother's anger subsided, and suddenly he seemed at a loss, speaking with a voice almost tipped with sadness. The seriousness... The odd things that had happened to her brother. Where was he, somewhere inside that chocolate body in front of her? The annoyingly, happily arrogant baby brother, who could probably irritate a rock if he put his mind to it. Suddenly, despite the chocolate in his fur, Mew spotted a likeness in the eyes of the male in front of her. He bore the resemblance of his mother, the way he looked at her now, but the tilia could not put her finger on what exactly caused her to think of that. Him and Colibri had never been alike, but now.. Just for a few seconds, at least, there was something in the eyes. Mew cast her eyes down at the ground for five seconds or so, thinking. What did keep her here? Why hadn't she just gone already? Her litter, the reason she had come here, was dead. So why hadn't she moved back to her nomadic life? You, for one thing. She said it, but she hadn't planned to do so. As she spoke, she recognized it as truth, but she hadn't known before the second she said the sentence. The situation was uncomfortable - Haku and Mew had always had the brother-sister bond to some degree, but they had never spoken about their family bonds. It just.. things just worked that way. Then there's the graves of my babies. She could not leave them. She had betrayed them once, and she would not again. It was her own fault that they had been robbed of life. Asphyxia, yes, indirectly, but Mew should never have been there in the first place. The tilia thought about it every day. It was some sort of self-torture, perhaps. But she needed to do so, to remind herself of her crime, but she didn't know why. I guess I'm just here, really. For no reason. I had planned to leave ages ago, but I've just... not done so. She sighed, and looked up again to find those sparkling blue orbs of her brother. They both had such vividly colored eyes, so different but not at all.


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