lost companion
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The male seemed genuinely distressed by his sister’s absence. The milky orbs took in the subtle changes of his posture and considered the situation from a distance. It was...unusual for siblings to care for each other so, especially since each would go their separate ways, creating and joining new packs. She herself had no siblings, no relations—save for her sire. The black fae sighed lightly, wondering if there was ever to be anyone in the world who would think of her in such a way, or who would think of her and only her. There was worry with such a thought; she had observed that couples here tended to hold promiscuity in low regard. Cwmfen was not a promiscuous wolf and never would be, but she had been raised by a mother who had told her that love, while the strongest of bonds, should not tie one down—at least that was what her mother had said. But, logically, why should it? Perhaps, because she had never really had any kind of benign relationship, the young female was simply naïve where love was concerned.

"Do not mourn too greatly for the distance," the silver tones offered gently. Cwmfen had observed that waiting only heightened the emotions anticipated in such situations; she could not believe that it would be so despairing as Sankor believed it to be. "The reunion will be all the more sweeter for it." Or frightening, she thought to herself. In her case, the reunion with her father would not be a welcoming one. Quietly, she placed that thought aside, not wishing to encourage the male’s depressed mood. Yet, she allowed the silence between them last, for it was not wise or polite to disregard his current emotions. A light smile flickered across her maw as she was reminded of her acquaintance with the hybrid DaVinci, for even now she offered her presence for the other.

The moments passed between them, and her offered remained open still. The black, woad-banded aurals swiveled back and forth once, twice, as she wondered why he was watching her so intently. She supposed that his mind was elsewhere—perhaps on his sister—and that she just happened to be in the way of his line of view. Then he realized that she had offered to share the small kill she had made, and she found that his smile was enjoyable. She laughed lightly, a mirthful sound like the bubbling of a brook, and she did not mock him in anyway. Her own smile was bright and genuine. "Of course I don’t mind," she stated simply. Then she moved, scooping the carcass in her welcoming jaws. She offered it to Sankor first, as she believed it would be polite and proper, placing it at his feet.

Cwmfen became shy, especially because the male became shy. She made an effort, however, to appear calm and collected, and to not create a greater discomfort in the other, especially since he was a guest to these lands. She wondered suddenly why she was spending so much effort for this male she had only just met. "Have you been to many places?" The woad-marked female felt random and foolish, but she tried to ignore herself.


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