burning the midnight oil - p sankor
Geneva looked away from Sankor, shyly and demurely. She was quite aware now of how ridiculous she was being. She was acting the fool, and now she was quite aware of it. Her blood boiled with embarrassment. Her first instinct was to shut down, turn around, and high tail it back to Crimson Dreams without a word. But Sankor was so friendly, so open. She found the will to try.

"My home is quite close by -" she nudged her head in the direction of Crimson Dreams. "- although I've only belonged here a short while." She used the word "belong" instead of "been," because she felt deep within her thin bones that this place was where she was meant to be. She loved Crimson Dreams, and although she was somewhat of a recluse, she was learning to love the other lands surrounding her home. She smiled fondly.

"I'm sorry if I'm being so weird..." her voice trailed off and she grinned ruefully. "Do you - do you want to take a walk with me, Sankor?"

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