drag me down
A bark of madness exploded from her maw when the little rodent suddenly let out a piercing wail. She'd had dinners that hadn't complained as much as the runt of a brat before her. Baring her fangs at the small fry she suddeny snapped as that forepaw came out to cuff the child about the ears as she hissed. "What's wrong polly-wog?" She took another small step closer as she lowered her face towards the compact form of the pup. A warped wicked smile spread across her maw as she taunted him. "Are you all lost and alone?" she snarled.

Ticking like a timebomb her mind was spinning an idea as she heard the creak and groan of the lake that had begun to turn to ice. Melting slowly in the day only to refreeze at night she knew the layer would be thin.. perhaps enough to hold a pup up.. or not. She grinned a cheshire cat grin as the sudden idea to find out seemed to lighten the pain that damnable male she'd let mount her time and time again had caused her. Perhaps this child itself was even one of his, did he even know how many runts he had running about in these lands.

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