Hey! Mr. [Piano] Man, play a song for me
I should probably be studying for my final today, but I decided to post instead! XD Music here.[html]

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

He raised an eyebrow, grinning, as he moved the cover to expose the ebony and ivory keys to the world. Even as he did this simple act, he couldn’t help but admire this grand piano that was before him. The one he had learned on had been so dilapidated compared to this, and he felt almost privileged to be able to use something so beautiful. There had been a variety of different songs he had learned to play, and all of them he had memorized after countless hours of playing. Of course he knew he could start off with something easier, but he wanted to play the prettiest song that he knew for Savina to hear. No doubt it was his favorite.

He moved his position on the bench, mentally thinking of the song in his head. It had been quite some time since he had last played it. The keys felt foreign under his fingers, yet strangely inviting. "This one is my favorite," he told Savina, taking another moment to think over the notes before he started playing. Though he started rather hesitantly, the melody of the song pulled him in, and the rest seemed to come so naturally. Though, that wasn’t to say he was without his mistakes.


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