somewhere somehow
The mahogony and ebony male moved elegantly through the sands, his fluid motions graceful as step by step he was drawn away from the rest of the world. The snow falling and the wash of the waves on the sand added to the beauty of the land, the only sore spot was the huge contraption that was grounded and half buried in the sands of time. Sankor knew what a ship was, though one like this he'd never seen before, it was like a great whale grounded upon the sandbar and gasping for it's last breathes waiting only for death. The black and silver hull before him wasn't breathing and it had never been alive, just another man made artifact to explore or to mark and be on his way.

Pausing to mark the sloping edge he scuffed sand over the spot after the deed was done and moved along the beast, circling the carcass to see if perhaps there was anywhere to gain entrance. He knew his sibling would have a fit if she caught him at it, but he was curious by nature and this sure did lay claim to calling out to be explored. He smiled to himself as he found a huge window, busted out from vandals in the time of man about to slip in he turned, gazing about the lands to make certain his smaller sibling wasn't about to appear and become that little voice in his head that was already buzzing. No sign of the girl, with a smirk he entered the cruiseliner.

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