In the house of flies
I didn't even realize that until you pointed it out and it made me LOL. XD

One of the wonderful things about his sister was that she often made sense, or seemed to find sense in things that he often couldn't. Maybe the house had been burned down to get rid of the sickness and he nodded in very faint, yet still slightly confused, understanding. He hadn't been there to see what exactly had happened before the fire. Maybe Ahren had gone inside to make sure no one was in there, but it would have been nice if he had been given a chance to remove some things that he might have wanted. Then again, if the sickness could cling to a place, he supposed that it could cling to objects inside of a place also.

"I think so.." He muttered quietly, lifting his eyes to his sister's face finally. It wasn't true, not anywhere near it, but he didn't have the heart to tell her. He still thought that there was something wrong with their father, still felt the empty loneliness of having a friend suddenly go missing. He doubted that anyone but himself would be able to find Rusalki. "He said you came to see me while I was sick." Had she been worried? Did she come to watch him die? Jasper wasn't sure about anything anymore, but it didn't really look or feel like she had wanted him to waste away to nothing.


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