reflections turn my heart to stone
It was so cold, the sudden slosh of the elixor onto her wounds as Deuce began to cleanse every jagged mark, every torn muscle and the darkness.. there was darkness like she'd never known before. The woman was in a fog, she could hear the words they spoke, she could sense them moving about the place.. then the silence as her family members disapeared filled the air a soft whine rose from her throat. She felt so alone as though death were coming for her now. She knew the woman was there, she could feel the numbing of the painkillers that she'd been fed.. and yet every pinprick, every thread that was sewn.. every tug as her flesh was drawn together as though she could once more be whole. Hot tears were wept though not another sound was made while the woman worked. The fire that burned with the cooling touch of frost along the edges was every mark that Ahren had graced her with through his damnable madness. She should have just driven herself upon his blade.. she could have found his throat before the full force of the actions had taken her soul.. but she hadn't. Fear was a powerful weakness.

She could hold it in no longer as her limbs shook, the shattered hind leg so slow in movement, so jarred and jerking as the others seemed to fight harder to escape the hold of the Shaman. She didn't deserve to be alive, the darkness had already claimed her, why was Deuce trying to save her. Something inside had snapped, somehow the shock of it all had knocked sense out of the woman.. the darkness to her was the end of life, not the bitter truth of the blindness that was the final blow she'd been granted before being left for the next hungry scavenger. Her voice was mournful as she whispered. "You can let go now Deuce.." She knew her friend and Shaman wouldn't stop, she'd fight til the bitter end.. but Iskata wanted her to know it was ok to let her go, that she had a whole other world waiting for her beyond the darkness..

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