light it up
Firefly wasn't sure how or why she'd accepted Haku's request for them to belong to one another. They both knew in some aspects that everything about their relationship was morally wrong but of course neither cared either. She'd known time and time again when he'd roamed off and when he'd returned that his trekkings hadn't just been to think, perhaps the male had never realized that a fellow tended to glow, their eyes sparkle with smugness after the fact. She wouldn't be the one to tell him, but she wouldn't be the one to confront him either. It hurt her that he expected her to be perfect, to be loyal only to him, even when their game was just that.. but now with the turn in time, the real thing being wrapped around the two and now they were one.. or atleast they had vowed to be. She doubted his 'heartfelt' vow but mesmerized by the night and the words he spoken she'd swayed and let him take her by the hand, knowing he'd already broken her heart.

Seeing Mew before her presented her with a problem, they were all family and yet Firefly had no clue how the packmates who were blood and kin would take the pairing. She nodded quietly to the words Mew granted her before it seemed the game had begun, thistime with a different player than normal, not Haku this time, but Mew. The rules were of course different and the object as well, but the circle was still the same. Firefly raised her emerald orbs to meet Mew's steadily as she answered. I'm fine." She was quiet a moment while the winds from the bay whistled around them before granting the woman the honest truth that she'd probably learn soon enough, if Haku hadn't already indulged her. If he hadn't, well she had even more reason to hate the cousin before her. "Haku asked me to be his mate.." if only she knew the secrets Mew did.

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