Heart of the Hunter
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Heheh, X3

The black, woad-banded aurals pushed forward at the sound of his voice. It was a pleasant sound, and the tones of that sound were amicable, not belligerent. Not threatening. The she-wolf smiled, enjoying the sound of her own name on the dual-coloured male’s tongue. Her name was often unheard by herself—she gave it often, but not many said it. Perhaps they found it difficult to pronounce, but this male had a certain aptitude for it, and she found it strangely pleasing. He was informal with her, casual and comfortable, and it eased her troubled mind. She found that her shoulders had been tense, as if expecting to be rammed into, and she slowly relaxed them, exhaling slowly to relieve her body of the tension. Momentarily, her white eyes found the ground as if searching for some lost trail, but they lifted to find the face of the male, as if it were he who lay in the way of her path. She peered at him, intrigued.

She was intimate with the lupine customs, and his allusion was not lost upon her. Cwmfen smiled a smile that almost seemed to challenge the other. "Perhaps it is time that someone did bare themselves to you...." Her diction was deliberately vague, deliberately ambiguous. The timidity of her character seemed to fall away momentarily, revealing a part of that warrior that lay dormant beneath the sheets. The white orbs locked onto the pale blue ones. They were like the blue sky in the white dawn, so clear and vast. She let the silence fill the space between them, and then she filled that silence with inaudible words—questions, requests. The black, woad-marked plume waved once—twice—wildly in the air, as if gesticulating the ferocity that flickered within her soul. Then, suddenly, she had retreated back into herself, drawing the covers over that bold warrior. The smile lessened in intensity as did her gaze, and she blinked slowly as if brushing some indiscernible thought away. As if emphasizing the change of character, the fae lowered herself to a sitting position, listening to the other speak.

She was not so much surprised as relieved to hear that he too had experienced solitude. It was not as if she were glad that he had been there, however, but relieved that they were on common ground. She felt that he would understand the situation that she was in, and perhaps that would lend to the way in which this matter of hunting would be presented.

I've never pulled off tandem before... You know, pairs. The white orbs widened slightly before turning towards the earth as he winked, a shy smile upon her woad-banded maw. The black ears flattened against her marked head, embarrassed. She was silent, unable to reply in any way. If her fur had not been so black, her might have been able to see her blush, for she felt the heat rushing to her face, emanating from her in waves that pulsed in the air about her. She did not quite understand why she was reacting in such a way, but she could not help herself. Thus, the black female avoided eye contact at the moment as she attempted to gather her composure.

The woad-marked female was glad when he broke the silence, and she found that she was able to return her gaze to him. His choice of vocative, while she knew it characterized certain manners of speaking, mad her feel uneasy, though not in an unpleasant way. This male seemed to be able to subdue her effortlessly into her shyness. Her tail wagged once. She was excited. "I’d love to," the silver tones replied quietly. The smile softened as she rose from where she sat. Tentatively, and yet deliberately, she closed the distance between them so that she stood abreast Slay. The white orbs looked up at him. The nearness was to the extent that she could feel the warmth of the larger male, could smell his scent all about them.

She was, perhaps, surprised to find that he was a luperci also. She had seen not seen him shifted, she thought, referring to the pack meeting. Averting her gaze, she considered the possibility of asking him one day, perhaps when she became closer to the male—if he’d let her.


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