drag me down
She stood there with a look that spoke more than words could plastered across her maw. It was more than she could stand, the small thing before her was disgusting, she could never remember being that pathedic, puny or loud. The Acer of Dahlia de Mai was not amused and she hoped for her own sake that the pathedic creatures that grew inside her womb were nothing like the black rodent that lay cowering before her dominant form.

Her nails gleamed in the late day's light as her paw twitched again, raised before the boy. His tiny form plastered to the ground in ultimate submission, she almost would have let him go running and crying off into the woods.. until that powerful scent of fear washed over her nose. Her fangs glittered as the snow around the boy melted away into nothing, as did her tiny bit of sympathy she may have once had for the bastard. He had really done it now and she would show them all what happened when you crossed the Sadira girl. Deep down she hoped that the runt was Haku's and that he knew of it's existance, but even if it wasn't she doubted they'd miss the loud wailing abomination too long.

Smiling wickedly the woman lowered her muzzle down to where the submissive form lay, her words whispered in his twin ebony ears as she chuckled. "Ok Polly-Wog, we'll let you go.." She lifted her head once to make certain that no one else was in the area before continuing. "Right back into the lake with you little one.." she said with such cheer as her closed her teeth around the boy's scruff and lifted him up off the ground to move towards the lake where he belonged.

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