Baby girl, I'm just a blur

sorry for the wait!

Eyes watched with ever growing curiosity. Her head leaned in to get a better look at the werewolf’s actions. The fish flopped, held high in the air, its tail twisting and fins flapping as if hoping to swim through the air and away from the pair. Ears listened, but her brain didn’t fully process the words her new friend spoke.

Eat? it was the only really word she understood in her distracted mind. Before her could blink the fish’s guts were flying and the smell of death coated the insides of her nose, and hung heavy in the air. It was nauseating, the sight and smell. The killing of the fish left her wide eyed, having had no idea that the outcome of the game would be its death.

She was light headed, tired and her breath was lost to the death-ridden wind. She blinked, hoping to wake herself of the dizziness. Once only made her mind foggier and when she blinked a second time her lids refused to open.


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