lost companion
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... mfenv2.png); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

I hadn’t seen the reply until now! So sorry!

Ladies first.. She smiled brightly at him, her white orbs becoming slits for the pleasure of his words. He was so polite. Sankor’s gentlemanly demeanor was a thing that the female held in high regard. She had never really encountered polite males before—of course, she had made it an effort to avoid males. Primarily, it had been a matter for her survival. As a young, inexperienced female, she would not have been a difficult target for a male, who was built by nature larger and stronger. Perhaps with experience—such as the experience she now had—she would have been able to overcome a male in one-on-one combat, but she could not afford to risk the chances, especially because the consequence was death. But, especially after her father had caught her those months ago, she feared that she was not as potent as she had thought. She felt vulnerable and weak, susceptible to the wants and needs of males (perhaps, ironically, this was also why she favored the dominant, aggressive nature in males). While the males of Dahlia de Mai had shown her no great hostility—Slay had been seductively polite, and Haku intriguingly unapproachable—none had quite displayed the kindness she now received.

So, shyly, she could not help but comply. Cwmfen decided after a quick thought that it would be easier to eat if they were laying down, especially because the rabbit was relatively small. Quietly, she lowered herself to her stomach. The white orbs glanced briefly up at the mahogany and black male, hoping that he would follow suite. Quietly, the she-wolf lowered her jaws to the small creature. She pulled back the skin with ease, as if pulling back a film of bark from a tree. The white teeth found the still-warm flesh and tore it from the bones. The wolf took the piece off to the side and ate it there, away from the carcass. Involuntarily, a small growl of delight escaped her throat. She realized that she must been craving rabbit more than she thought.

Cwmfen looked up as Sankor began to speak. He claimed that he had traveled mostly for the learning and not for the pleasure of it. Indeed, her own experience had been made of such travels. But she knew also that she had been running. She nodded quietly, thinking. The woad-marked female had to agree with the other. While her life had been composed of such trying experiences, she would not have learned so much if she had been born within a pack. And yet, now that she had had the opportunity to learn such things, she felt that it was necessary to find a pack, to learn what they had to offer. It was the perfect time, she felt, for such learning. And Dahlia de Mai was indeed a different learning experience for her.

His complement caught her off guard. She blushed furiously and to such an extent that it was nearly visible through her black fur. The white orbs looked away, and she was silent, rendered speechless. She found that she was embarrassed and yet pleased, pleased to feel as if she seemed to be worth something to someone. And yet, she was afraid, for such thoughts had brought upon her such humiliation. Or, perhaps, she was more afraid that someone might like her, might find her attractive, might want to make a relationship with her. Quietly, she tried to push these discomforts away, tried to not show the male such weakness, but she only partially succeeded in doing so. For when she turned back to him smiling, her discomfort was clear in her expression. She did not know how to respond to that, and so she quietly sidestepped the matter.

"I came from across the sea... I wandered the lands for a while, learning like you and not really seeing or experiencing anything of the lands. But I was running... Until I found Dahlia de Mai, and with it I found safety." Why did she tell him that? She had not felt the need to tell anyone that before, and yet, suddenly she felt the urge to tell this male everything. It took much of her power to restrain herself from doing so, but she wondered suddenly whether this male could provide for her all that she needed. The white orbs peered into the eyes of the male, curious, intrigued, questioning.


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