Everything is going to be okay.
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... parrow.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Oh hi! wc328


He had his fears, but they ran slim. Concerns of acceptance and belonging were of little matter to he; where Jefferson was, he existed, and the rest of the world simply lived around him and dealt with whatever shit he was managing. The hybrid was a very neutral, very apathetic character. It didn't take much to piss him off, really, but under most circumstances, Jefferson could maintain a neutral and indifferent point of view, which fortunately was an asset that he didn't realize was so appealingly useful. When it came to conflicts, he could word his way through them peacefully if he so wanted, but in general, he didn't usually resort to peaceful circumstances. Actions spoke louder than words, after all. Blood didn't faze him. Strangers didn't faze him. What was he fearful of? Hell if Jefferson actually knew.

"Hey," he said rather simply, scowl evident and brows furrowed. His single green eye was focused on a dark-furred female who was standing rather sheepishly along their borderlines; seems he had run into a number of faces seeking acceptance into their pack recently, and as this was now the custom, Jefferson was becoming less and less suspicious with each new face he met. He might have jumped her, somewhat, as he'd used his unintentional knack for sneaking up behind people when they were lost in thought, and was now watching the back of her head and awaiting some kind of response. She sure didn't look like she was... looking for something, or so he observed. For all he knew, she was either joining, or she was looking for Deuce or Iskata--those were the two normal reasons that people showed up at Phoenix Valley... but perhaps he was just a pessimist. She'd been mumbling something when he'd stepped near after catching her foreign scent in the air, and it was clear as day that she was troubled about something, anyway. "Uh, have some business here, or just admiring the sights?"


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