two paths
When the word was repeated DaVinci caught himself grinning in response to the other. He had no clue what sort of father Jefferson might ever make but he'd never even considered what he would have been like as one either and here he was with two of his own and one he would play the part to it seemed. Turning his stormy orbs back to Jefferson the devilish grin returned as he piped up. "You'll never know unless you try." After a pause his brows furrowed seriously as he continued. "Though I can't think of any girl who would have such an ugly brute.." Suddenly as though he had been met with brilliance. "..Unless she has been drinking." He gifted Jefferson with a smug smile right before he yawned. The small child was rather good at keeping him up at strange hours. He was sure glad he didn't have to do this all the time, the silvery steele male had a new respect for mothers that he doubted he would forget.

DaVinci had nodded at the words Jefferson spoke of Haku, though he knew otherwise that though they were both leaders they were also family on some very strange levels. He smiled and shook his head as he surrended Zana to Jeffer's attention, watching as she tried to abandon her bottle and take aim at the paw that was rolling her to and fro. The words he spoke made DaVinci reply without even thinking. "I wish she didn't have to.." Though Jefferson might thing it slightly amusing, this strange tragic family they all had DaVinci wished that Zana didn't have to know the full extend of it all. He granted the pup the bottle again to attack as he said softly. "Mother won't have anything to do with her anymore.." He knew he shouldn't have said it but it was obvious the woman was slipping further and further away mentally even while her body grew stronger and stronger.

He sighed and gazed into the dusty barn as he shook his head. "You're not suppose to raise a child by yourself.." he said. He didn't think that Jefferson would abandon a child he had sired if he knew of the child but he didn't expect to see the male have to raise one either. There would always be puppies abandoned and somehow they might be lucky enough to find their way to the edge of a pack and be taken in. Perhaps Jefferson would end up father to someon else's unwanted get.. but there was always the chance that love could even find it's way to a brute.

Granting his strange friend a weary grin he remarked "I'm sure we could manage to raise them between us though! Just for you I'll play Mommy." The crude sexual tease in his words were probably the worst choice at the moment but DaVinci was strange thatway and he knew the other male wouldn't take him seriously, or atleast he hoped so.

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