Fly into my palm...and collapse.
"We managed, at least my father did," she said. "My sisters too. There were birds, rats, and mice." It didn't seem like much now, thinking of the small quantities of food. But she had never experienced the gut-gnawing hunger of starvation. Sure, some weeks would see her with her ribs sticking out as a youth, but that was as much due to her illness as lack of food.

Her lime green eyes sparkled with memories, happiness of recaptured memories lurking there. "No, I'm not sick anymore. I haven't been sick for a while." And it was true. She felt much stronger both physically and mentally. It was easier to think, to remember, to move and breathe. Before everything had had the pinkish edge of pain, but now things were different for her.

She gestured behind her, where in the shade of trees a dead rabbit and two dead mice were laid out. She had been hunting, and although she wasn't accomplished at this task, she could take care of herself. Her eyes lingered on Ember's cast for a minute. She probably couldn't hunt very easily. "Ember, I was about to eat and I woud love it if you would share a meal with me," she said brightly. She didn't phrase the offer as a question, figuring that the wolfess would probably refuse if she had asked that way.

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