In the house of flies
"That's okay.." He told her quietly, deciding that he really didn't want a positive answer to his question. He was happy to believe that she had visited him, that it had been her that he had spoken to that day, even if he would always know in the back of his mind that it probably wasn't true. Rachias, whoever she was, probably wouldn't know who his mother was even if he did manage to find her and ask her about it, and his father would likely deny that it had happened, even if she really had come.

Still, all of the idle chat and small bouts of comfort and reassurance didn't make him forget about that night with his father. He'd felt sick that night, his father's words had plagued his mind and turned his stomach, and Jasper had even gone as far as to tell his father that he loved him. What was going on? "Do you think I could stay with you a while?" His question was a quiet one, hesitant, but he knew that it had to be asked. Where else did he have to go? Who else was there that he trusted and would keep him company in the dark? "Maybe just out here somewhere? Close by?" Because he didn't expect Gabriel to just let him come in to Inferni because he was afraid of the dark.


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