Hey! Mr. [Piano] Man, play a song for me
Sorry for the delay on this reply! :][html]

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

He couldn’t help it – he was beaming. Though he was efficient with weapons now and portrayed a sense of rebellion, Apollo had an appreciation for the simple beauties in life as well. One of the reasons this instrument had pulled him in so much was because of the serenity it could release. The first song that had been played for him just put his whole body at ease and he suddenly had the urgency to want to learn. That was something Apollo had been gifted with – he had a mind like a sponge and had always been rather good at picking things up if he put his whole heart into it.

"I’m glad you liked it," he told her. "I loved it since the first time I heard it played. Something about it is just so peaceful." Casting a quick glance around, he wondered if maybe he would be able to find more sheet music. He wouldn’t oppose to learning new songs. "Poetry?" He asked then, looking back to Savina. "I’ve never heard any before."


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