the ice kept getting thinner under you, under me
No, that's fine Big Grin

She'd spent a lot of time in this mansion, many hours, and thought that she knew every inch of the place. However, there were times when she would enter the place and not remember where something was for a moment, or how to get to a certain part of it. There were some places inside that she didn't visit that often; that was probably why she forgot where they were at...but it still worried her a little bit that she couldn't remember. Maybe it was the fact that she didn't really live inside the mansion any more, but in the cave a mile or so away.

Naniko frowned as she thought about this, travelling from one room to the next. When she saw her friend in the kitchen she smiled widely, hefting her bag up onto the counter. "Mornin' to you too! I'm doing good. I think I might take a nap later, though--it's strange to say that out loud. Me taking a nap. But with the pups all over the place now, I actually have some time to myself for stuff like naps." She began to dig through the bag, pulling out a few bottles and jars and setting them aside. "What about you? Sleep okay?"


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