put your hurt on me - p savina
Geneva took a deep breath, listening carefully to what the Italian girl had to say. It was obvious that the affliction cut deep within her. She couldn't begin to know how deep Savina's problem ran within her, but she didn't need knowledge. She had faith in Savina. No matter how vicious Savina might be in her anger, her remorse spelled it all out.

Anger. She could hardly comprehend it. She hadn't felt the scorch of anger burning her throat in such a long time. The wolfess couldn't pretend to understand what it meant to lose control in the heat of anger, she had never even come close. Her temperament was far too mild. But she knew what it was to have part of yourself buried so deeply beneath something else - something that grew to mask your identity.

"I think..." Geneva began, forming her words thoughtfully, "I think what you have is a problem. A deep rooted one." She was a creature of logic. Her tone became a little less emotional, more reserved as she spoke out her thought processes."Your problem is serious, Savina. It is something you need to master, to learn to control. We can't go losing you. And as for your being a monster," she nuzzled her friend's nose. "Your anger is only a small part of who you are. A monster wouldn't feel remorse, Savina. You're no monster."


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