sing the sorrow

Perhaps offering to watch the puppies wasn't realistic. Naniko had never before trusted him with anything so precious, and their history was now clouded. They were both trying to ignore it, he knew. But in all honestly, her children were among those he'd watch out for with every inch of his will. Should Naniko ever let him "babysit," she needn't worry.

The Sadira tried to ignore the tinge of discomfort he felt at her mention of Anu, and simply nodded. Naniko may have said so simply to make him feel good about something; he was aware of that. It wouldn't have mattered if so. He felt all right enough just having given her the opportunity to take a break. "All right. If something comes up, I'll be around." He watched the sleeping children with a small smile as he listened to his friend. The mention of Ember surprised him, and he felt almost as horrible as he had last time he'd seen Firefly.

"Oh. Really...?" He bit his lip. "Thanks. I haven't seen her in so long. I don't... take the time to see her enough." He looked at Naniko's face, wondering if she ever did the same with any of them. Probably not. Even with children and a pack to run, she probably saw their family more than he did. "I feel terrible. I'll find her, if not tonight then tomorrow."


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