it's all in how you mix the two; j
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Yay! And OMG 2 Apollo/Savina thread at the same time, wut.

It felt good, having Apollo around the lands again. Like their pack family was somehow complete again. She had always had a special place in her heart for the younger wolf. Ever since that first game of hide n' seek she had played with the two brothers she had. It really wasn't until he had returned had she realized how much she had missed having him around. It made her a little sad to think of how much growing up she had missed watching him do, but it was only a little itch in the back of her mind.

As she strolled down the hall she noticed that the door to his old room was ajar. Emerald eyes peered inside to see him sitting on the small mattress, playing with one of the old toys. A small warm smile lit up her face as she leaned against the doorway. "Finding lost memories?"


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