it's all in how you mix the two; j
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This day was just full of surprises it seemed. For she hadn't expected the young silver male to return her hug either, but here he was doing just that. Then again, she had always liked to believe that he felt more open and comfortable around her than around some others. Maybe not a truth, but she was content to believe it regardless. "Of course kiddo. You'll always have a place here." The sooty girl ruffled his hair as she spoke. Savina really thought of him like a younger brother of sorts.

It was unexpected for him to bring up Sirius. It had been obvious from that first time she had seen the two of them that they didn't get along too well. But with his last remark it was obvious that same sibling rivalry was still there. She chuckled as Apollo rolled his eyes. "Yes well, Sirius never did strike me as the more responsible one of you two."


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