the night is cold and long
No problem!

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

He could hear Pilot calling out for him, and followed the voice, stumbling through the large house in a daze. He followed the clumping and the mumbling, the sound of someone else (equally as drunk -- Hybrid had seen to that quite well) moving about. He followed the sounds further away from the kitchen, though twisting corridors and rooms and... more rooms. He stumbled once more, flailing as he felt himself fall, reaching out to grasp the wall, but instead grabbing a hold of a painting. He righted himself, holding onto the painting for support, then pushed off, not noticing as the art wobbled precariously, almost falling right off the wall.

He heard the sound of someone moving off in the distance, and could barely make out the form of a wolf and a bureau. The wolf seemed to glow (or perhaps it was just his eyes), white and the colour of snow. Hybrid grinned, knowing exactly who this was. "Oh, there you are," you replied warmly, wrapping his arms around Pilot as he stumbled into him. "Hey, hey, uh..." he fumbled, trying to remember the male wolf's name, unable to figure out what it was. "You know what people do when they're this smashed?" He asked, grinning widely and giggling slightly. "They have sex," he stated sombrely, patting Pilot on the shoulder knowingly.


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