The glorious art of staining souls
The dark woman hadn't changed one bit. Deuce could feel her warmth in her arms, as comforting as a lullabye. She murmured Soran's name again, holding her tightly. Did one ever forget a love? Deuce didn't think so; and even if time had changed thier appearances, it hadn't changed thier hearts. Duece felt her heart pounding, and she wondered if Soran's was beating as quickly.

She didn't let go of the female, just pulled her head back to study the dark angel's face. She hadn't changed at all, in Deuce's eyes. The shaman knew she was something else, though. New scars and piercings crisscrossed her face, giving her a rougher, more aged look. She wasn't the carefree yearling she'd once been. It was okay, she supposed. eveyone had to grow up sometime.

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