I recall the push more than the fall
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Emerald eyes stared into the blinding white landscape as the winds whipped around her. Her body was beginning to become numb to the cold. Though whether that was a good or bad thing, she couldn't decide. Was she sitting out in this weather she so hated to punish herself more? That was a good possibility. The girl felt wretched. She didn't deserve the love and care that everyone here offered her. The femme was a leader now, such foolhardy actions were unacceptable. They weren't even acceptable as an underling. If they did not hold the strong position that they did, all of them could have been at risk for that one stupid action of hers. That thought made her want to leave and never face them again. But that wasn't the answer either.

Her ears twitched as a voice carried over the air. Savina's head slowly turned to take in the form of a greyscale male. Her eyes that so often were filled with a friendly light were dark and dull. Any other time she would have wondered what he was doing here, but not today. The last time something like this had happened, she had found comfort in the words of a stranger. Maybe she'd be so lucky to have that happen again. "Nothing they have done. They are all wonderful. I'm the one that's to blame," she said with a surprising lack of emotion. "I'm not really watching for anything, I don't think. Right now I don't feel I deserve the comfort of my home."


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