reflections turn my heart to stone
He knew he shouldn't have done it but everything just seemed to be piling up, first the truth with Ryan, the words on the border of Inferni where he was basically told to fuck off and stay away from the de le Poer girl.. his past unburied and now so quickly on the heels of finding his mother and finding a place to belong he felt he was losing it all. The words of Jefferson were the truth but they did nothing for the male as he turned, his eyes alive with pain and tears as laughed bitterly. "Nothing, that's all there ever is to do." He was being unfair but he couldn't help it. It seemed just when things turned around in his life once more the walls came crashing down.

He turned away from the male, staring out the window but seeing nothing as he replied bitterly. "What's there to tell them? That we all have to wait, that she may die, she may live. Nothing will ever be the same either way." He knew his mother and her damnable pride, she'd rather die and leave it all behind than what he knew her life would be like if she lived. He'd seen the shape she'd been in.. he knew the reality of it all and none of it was pretty. He was being childish but he didn't want to face the facts and stare into those innocent eyes of his children and tell them the cold hard facts of life.

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