put your hurt on me - p savina
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A soft whine escaped her throat as she stared at the door. She had apologized to her mate again and again, but it was never enough. Not for her anyway. She had hurt him. He had been disappointed, it was obvious. It wasn't easy for him to hide his emotions either. And having done that, having him feel that towards her made her feel like scum. Kansas hadn't been angry, and he had been there to take care of her, but she could feel the distance between them. Right now, Savina didn't feel as if she deserved him. Would he ever be able to trust her again? Would he still look at her the way he always had? The thought that he might not made her physically ill.

"I hope you're right. And thank you." The dark lady knew that she had to do whatever it took to get this problem under control. Even if they could move past this, having something like this happen a second time would be too much. If that happened she wouldn't be able to face anyone, least of all Kansas. "Do you...think he'll really be able to forgive me?" She could feel the tears seeping back into the corners of her eyes. "I...I had promised to come to him for help with this...and I didn't. I wasn't thinking. He thought I didn't trust him, but I trust him more than anyone." For the Italian femme that had such an issue putting her faith in a male, such a statement was a large deal. Watery eyes looked back to Stockholm. "He means everything to me..."


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