put your hurt on me - p savina
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It was good to hear those words from somebody else. No one outside of the relationship had ever really commented on them before who had seen them. Anu had been greatly helpful, but she hadn't even met Kansas or seen them together. Deep down she knew that he would forgive her, their bond was too strong for something like this to break it completely. But the fear of losing him was greater than she had ever known. The girl couldn't even imagine what she would do if that were to happen. It would break her, that much she knew. Sleek head nodded, unable to find any words to respond with this time.

At Geneva's sudden change in demeanor, her head tilted slightly to the side. A mistake? Surely not a large mistake. The female seemed so together, so level-headed. It was hard for Savina to imagine something that would throw her so off balance. As the confession came out, her eyes widened a little bit, but not much. Perhaps she had become jaded to such little things as an attempt for a kiss. It really seemed like small beans compared to what else she knew that alcohol had induced. "Geneva...don't be so hard on yourself." Gently she nudged the woman with her nose. "Yes, it was a mistake, but as you said nothing came of it. I know Anu, and she will not hold it against you"

She took a deep breath, looking off to the side of the room. "From what I know, it is best to stay away from alcohol. It makes good-natured wolves, such as yourself, do really stupid things. What you've done is nothing compared to some." Her mind shot to what had transpired between Kansas and Naniko. Of course she wouldn't say anything about that to Geneva. It wasn't her place to throw such information around. It was Kansas' private shame, and she would protect it from the rest of the world. "Nani has made mistakes too, I know she has. And surely Anu as well. They will understand." She laid her head next to her friend, hoping she would find comfort in the words.


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